As far back as I can remember, I have been the host to the Bilbies. Way back when….I must have been three years old…the first Bilby found me. His name was Patrick Michael O’Riely. He was a beautiful, beyond belief, Irish Setter. Quite frankly, I don ‘t remember how he identified himself as a Bilby, but I knew he was their king. The Bilbies are a loose knit lineage of animal beings who have criss-crossed paths with me over the years. There is always a king or queen present and basically I have been lucky to be their shephard and friend. Right now we are fortunate to have at least twelve Bilbies living with us at Casa Las Ranas. Six dogs, five cats and a parrot…plus all the wild beings who come and go. I am absolutely serious about the existance of Bilby Land at Casa Las Ranas. I welcome, all people who may be sceptical, to visit their own hearts, and see who is residing there. In my heart there is room for the Bilbies and the Wild Bilbies…I am a lucky man. Enclosed is a photo of the back gate to Bilby Land and Casa Las Ranas courtesy of Robert de Gast.
Didn’t know Bilbies were the gated-community types. Perhaps it gives them a sense of security, or protection from the 4th normal form.
Por supuesto – después todo el nada es verdadero.
Regards to Igncaio et al!
Time for Bilbie t-shirts and mugs