…that I am really sick of this Michael Jackson frenzy. Popular Culture is basically a cartoon…so welcome to the cartoon! Everyone was ready to cut off poor Jackson's testicles and now that he has died…the whole cartoon is marching on their knees to the Staple Center for his memorial service. Enuf already…I guess I can't say, "Get a Life"…how about "change the channel"…as Aretha would say, rescue me from this onslaught….Am I just a fuddy duddy curmudgeon? An aging hipster with an ax to grind cuz of LSD brain cell deficiency? Probably all of the above…but can we add some more depth to this cartoon? I promise to be nice tonight when I am at the auctioneer at this charity event…I will be nice to all the aging gringos like myself and not point the finger at the glaring out of balance expat cartoon culture…I'll just breath deep…
Happy 4th and Enuf already. Let the poor guy rest (if possible) in peace. 7/24 for 12 days.
I’m an old biddy too. weewee.
Hear, hear, weewee!!
So WERE you good yesterday?
I tried…I did bring up facelifts, gay marriage, and republicans…plus there were some bottle blonds that would not shut up….so I called them on it….they finally left…..