…up at 2;21 am….I have been up and out of bed for two hours…awakened by our dogs whom we have failed to discipline. They Bark….and I am awake. I put on a DVD…the film was called "Exit Through the Gift Shop"…by the Street Artist named Banksy…I enjoyed it immensely…but the dogs are still barking and my head is full of ideas for my work, the house, the chapel, what I must do, what I have not done and I just munched on some raisins…I guess I'll ride this out and eventually sleep will come and I will awaken again and get up and follow the ideas and get things done and put raisins in my oatmeal and work in the Studio and go into town and let the dogs run free and……that…In the meantime,I am including a link to some photos taken by Roger Brudno who came out yesterday with some students from Wagner College in New York and a couple of their instructors…I like this series of photos and I get to look at our house and the work from another perspective and that encourages me to post this blog entry and possibly give into one of our barking dogs and let one or two of them (Manchas in particular – see included photo) into this Sleepless Raisin House of the Frogs and maybe I will relax back into sleep…maybe…